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Pessoal, uma oportunidade interessante, especialmente pra quem trabalha com ou é parte de algum movimento social. Mentoria em mídias sociais e comunicadores livres, com direito a bolsa. Os encontros são todos em inglês, o que pode ser complicado pra algumas pessoas, mas acho que vale a pena pelo menos dar uma olhada.

#FLOSS #Matrix #fediverso #mentoria

I'm thrilled to announce, especially on the occasion of the #Fediforum, that @medlab is launching an Open Social Incubator.

Our mission is to support a cohort of community builders who could use extra support in getting to know and learning to use open social tools.

Participants will receive $3,500, hands-on support, and a peer community.

Please spread the word! Learn more here:…

reshared this

in reply to Aracnus

I'm sorry that this project is monolingual. We have not had good experiences in the past with multi-lingual cohorts. But we would love to partner with groups working in other languages.
in reply to Nathan Schneider

Thank you for your kind comment and consideration, @Nathan Schneider . Hope you can find this groups and partner with them. 🙂

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