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Bom dia para quem é de #TerCinema!
Toda semana, às terças-feiras, nos reunimos no Fediverso lusófono & agregados para compartilhar filmes com um tema sugerido pela comunidade e sorteado previamente.

Nesta terça, 22/10, o tema será: Filmes adaptados de livros que foram melhores que os livros originais, sugerido por @juliobarcellos :blobcatread:

Quer sugerir um tema? Mande uma mensagem aqui ou para a nossa diretora @marte

Nos vemos terça!



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Alguém por aqui sabe coo achar grupos de trabalho acadêmicos, como participar ou se insrever nas academias das letras ou coisas assim?

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in reply to Felipe Siles 🐌

na prática, os orientadores convidam seus orientandos pros grupos de pesquisa que eles próprios coordenam ou participam, mas eu acho bem importante que a gente consiga chegar nesses lugares por outros caminhos, até pra quebrar um pouco essa lógica de apadrinhamento já naturalizada nos ambientes de produção científica.
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Israel's conditions for a ceasefire with Lebanon include allowing the Israeli army to continue operating in Lebanese territory. Meanwhile, Israel steps up its extermination campaign in northern Gaza, targeting its last remaining hospitals.…

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

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in reply to Diego

@diegopds Então ! Eu me referia a como receber esse arquivo do feed pelo Calibre . . .
in reply to Arlon

Eu também. Chegou a testar isso? (ver imagem). O único detalhe é que o e-mail em questão tem que estar autorizado na sua conta do Kindle.

Aliás, fiz um teste seguindo seu tutorial e ficou bem legal o resultado, pois ele agrupa tudo num mesmo "e-book", com índice ativo e separação por artigos.

PS: neste teste rápido, fiz via cabo. Ainda não testei o envio por e-mail a partir do Calibre.

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“Why don't you like BlueSky?"

Twitter taught me something. Any "For Profit" company is going to be a slave to its need for growth, its investors, and corporate greed.

BlueSky says “We don't want to be like that”. but they're also a for profit company that is going to end up a slave to their investors and their greed just like any other for profit company.

I don't feel like establishing myself there, just to have it all come apart in a few years like Twitter did. Because that's inevitable.

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📷 Petra, Jordan

Carved into the red-hued desert sandstone cliffs of Jordan, the Petra has been weathered by the desert winds for two millennia.

Read more:…

#Photography #Petra #Jordan #Travel #Desert #Photo #Photographer #SilentSunday

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in reply to Antoine 🏳️‍🌈

Weeeell, I went on Christmas day and got there as soon as it opened. I then doubled back when the light was failing to get some more shots. I managed to get photos with only one or two people in (which I removed in Photoshop). Still took a LOT of waiting in place for breaks, as there were still some other people milling about 😀

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📷 Just for fun, here is a random photo from my collection of beautiful places lost in time. Would you like to hear its story? Did something catch your eye? Ask me a question in the comments!

💙 Follow if you love #Urbex and #AbandonedPlaces photography

#PhotoOfTheDay #Photographer #Photography #Story #Prompt #UrbanExploration #Photo

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in reply to Obsidian Urbex Photography

Would love to know what that factory was. Looks like something (guessing textiles) being fed into some sort of tanks. Do you have any photos from further back? I love trying to work out what these places where.
in reply to Tom Mangnall

It's an old paper mill, these are the beater machines that break up fibers between the pulping and rolling stages of the process. Some more photos attached. I had to be careful as security had drilled holes in so they could see inside, so I didn't stand out in the open in this area for long!

I have a whole album and long article, which goes into both the history and the paper making process in general -…

in reply to Tom Mangnall

You are close! I wrote a longer reply to your previous comment (didnt see this one until now)

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Hi 👋. I am Janine (Obsidian Urbex) from Manchester, England 🇬🇧. If you are interested in:

📷 Photography
🔦 Urban Exploration
🏚️ Abandoned Places
👩‍💻 Active Bloggers
🤓 Nerdy Girls

Then maybe you should give this blue-haired girl a Follow ✅

I share my adventures here on Mastodon, and I have a LOT of cool stuff coming up! You won't want to miss out. Join me as I explore beautiful lost places💙

#photography #UrbanExploration #UrbanExplorer #Urbex #AbandonedPlaces #LostPlace #LostPlaces #Explore

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in reply to Obsidian Urbex Photography

No need! The bolt and the number pad are broken and the bike lock allows about ten inches clearance 😜

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#inkscape and #blender at 5:14AM

Two more days till the deadline.

All work no play...

Third edition of our film festival done exclusively using free software.

#kde #floss #b3d

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in reply to frdbr 🎥🌳

Of course, I have to also use #kdenlive.

Trailers of some of the selected movies. Editing vertical videos is becoming less weird.

Enough procrastination, back to work.


Um pouco de carinho interespécies para adicionar um pouco de amor ao dia de vocês. 🙂❤️

Olha aí mais uma importância das aranhas, esses animais tão maravilhosos e tão incompreendidos. 🙂

Spider in the Telescope: The Mechanization of Astronomy

John Flamsteed’s vision of an astronomer’s skill set clashed with existing ideas about observing, paving the way for a new mindset based on mechanical objectivity.

In 1639, a spider wove a web in William Gascoigne’s telescope and changed astronomy. The invention became so crucial to astronomy that disputes broke out over who invented the device.

By: Danny Robb via @JSTOR_Daily…

#books #astronomy

in reply to Sergio F. Lima

@Sergio F. Lima , eles são uns exploradores de aranhas. Em todas as versões do Homem-aranha, quando ele é picado ele faz o que? Dá um lar decente pra ela? Cuida dela com carinho? Agradece pelos poderes recebidos? Não... Ele sempre mata a coitada. Pura ingratidão! tsc... tsc... tsc... 😔

Sergio F. Lima reshared this.

Um texto lindo sobre como o nosso cérebro processa a ideia de zero (e, de bônus, como essa representação evoluiu ao longo do tempo).

Thank you, @Project Gutenberg , for this!

How the Human Brain Contends With the Strangeness of Zero

Zero, which was invented late in history, is special among numbers. New studies are uncovering how the brain creates something out of nothing.

In some ways, zero is just like any other number on a number line. But a new study suggests that the mind may treat the symbol for absence differently.

By Yasemin Saplakoglu via @QuantaMagazine…

#mathematics #neuroscience

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Agora está pronto para ser usado!…

Encontrem bugs e reportem, bora criar blogs.

No roadmap:

  • Mais personalização de temas
  • Paginação
  • Feeds
  • Federação no activityPub com hatsu
  • One click blog no Gh pages

Bora contribuir! #rust #html #css #hacktoberfest

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Corporations are not sentient entities. They are contracts. They do not "do" things. They do not make decisions. Executives do.

When corporate activity breaks a law or harms people, it means the executives decided to do that.

When a corporation has been fined for something, what you are witnessing is the executives being let off the hook for what they did. Perhaps the prosecutor/regulator wants to keep get big money from corporations after leaving government.

#corruption #corporations

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We've just released Ardour 8.10 with a few more bugfixes. The main development branch is now switching for v9.0 development…

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in reply to nitrofurano

there? oh, and what constitutes easier for you?
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in reply to Ardour DAW

something like domino/sekaiju would be simply amazing! - would be so cool if we could use Ardour for only editing midi files, simply and fastly, as we wished, just like most daws does (besides all the features Ardour has available now)

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Prevejo muito sertanejo no #Musiquinta hoje, então gostaria de lembrá-los desse grande ensinamento do mestre Marx:

"Chifre é uma criação da burguesia para vender música sertaneja ao proletariado."

Karl Marx
frase proferida em 1838, em Londres, durante o lançamento do primeiro LP de Leandro e Leonardo

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Using static websites for tiny archives:…

I wrote about how making small, hand-written HTML pages has taken over as the way I organise my local files. I get more metadata and filtering options than I do with the Finder, and the ongoing maintenance cost is essentially zero.

I’m using it for personal stuff, but this feels like a powerful tool for digital preservation more broadly.


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This made me laugh. The English language is absurd. People capable of learning it as a second language are highly intelligent.

Credit: Bobby Finn

#English #Language #Phonics #Funny #ESL

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in reply to Mark Wyner :vm:

@Mark Wyner :vm: I love this article in Wikipedia about the respelling of "fish" that illustrates the pronunciation problems. 🙂

(and loved this video too) 😄

in reply to Mark Wyner :vm:

when you think it couldn't be worse, there come the bloody phrasal verbs :woe:

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Follow for more financial advice!

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Internet Archive recupera lentamente dos ataques

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Another bad derivative of my art:
- Reusing my Creative Commons artwork without attribution
- Putting it on top of AI gen
I wonder how they managed to sell 568 of them...
😤 Revolting.
Well, I filled in a report to ask them to at least give credit.

my art:…

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in reply to David Revoy

Apparently attribution is too much to ask for some people...

In any case, thank you for providing us with (awesome) CC art! 🙂

in reply to David Revoy

>I wonder how they managed to sell 568 of them

"Oh is that the latest Dave Rave? I'm investing, itt'l be worth millis down the line. Millis!

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🚨Estamos sob ORDEM DE DESPEJO, dia 23/10 será o dia decisivo em que a JUSTIÇA dirá se continuaremos no nosso TERRITÓRIO ANCESTRAL


Do dia 15 ao dia 22/10/24 - dia e noite


🍶 Água
1 kg de alimento


Rua Mata Machado, 126 Maracanã

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Not everything needs to be an app

Not everything needs to be a subscription

Not everything needs to be connected to WiFi

Not everything needs AI

Not everything needs to require an account

Not everything needs to be hosted on the cloud

Not everything needs to use a touch screen

Not everything needs to be “smart”

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Thiago Skárnio reshared this.

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📚💻 O Senado oferece diversos #cursos gratuitamente. Cadastre-se na plataforma Saberes e confira os cursos disponíveis:

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Infelizmente já passei por isso mais de uma vez, em diferentes situações no trabalho.

commitstrip 16/10/2024 -… #comics_commitstrip

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Pessoal da bicicleta, *

Uma vez tirei a roda dianteira, coloquei de volta, e um lado do v-brake ficou encostado e o outro não. Hoje tirei a roda traseira e coloquei se volta, e aconteceu a mesma coisa. Pelo menos no olhômetro a roda parece alinhada (olhando de ponta-cabeça).

Alguma ideia de o que estou fazendo de errado e como posso evitar e/ou remediar?

Editado: o problema era a mola do frejo

* sejamos honestos, essa expressão está começando a parecer um eufemismo para @keylimepie

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in reply to Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

o freio da bicicleta funciona com duas molas , pode ser algo relacionado a tensão das molas da uma olhada nesse vídeo que pode ajudar… @keylimepie
in reply to Pedinho :BikeHeart:

@maisotro valeu, pessoal! Só reforçando, logo antes de tirar a roda eu não percebia (mas não conferi), depois de colocar eu percebia, mas o v-brake já estava fazendo isso?
in reply to Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

muitas vezes se você encher o freio para um lado ele fica meio parado as vezes acontece isso e simplesmente empurro um pouco pra o lado que ele volta ao normal , você é de sp capital ? @keylimepie
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in reply to Pedinho :BikeHeart:

Sou de Vitória. O problema era o freio mesmo, em algum momento devo ter esbarrado nele porque o cabo da mola estava solto:…

in reply to Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

acho que tem que encostar as pastilha de freio dos dois lados antes de apertar, se não fica torto...

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Mastodon currently doesn't support alt text for profile avatars and headers, if you've some rails experience, and you'd like to work on this, this is a good first issue:…

(See Renchap's comment)

Edit: Looks like we may have someone interested in working on this 😄

#GoodFirstIssue #mastodon

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The #FediBookFair is in three weeks!

Over the weekend of 2/3 November, #authors and #publishers will post about their books using the #FediBookFair hashtag. #Readers can watch or follow the hashtag to find #books to read and authors to follow. Plus, it's an excellent chance to find #Christmas gifts.

If this doesn't appeal, we suggest filtering the hashtag.

Full details at

#author #WritersOfMastodon #writing #WritingCommunity
@authorindiespeak @writingcommunity

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Continuando o #TerSoftware sobre player de Áudio e Vídeo...
Já fizeram sua própria BlamersFlix com o #Jellyfin ?

- Ele baixa capa, informações e legendas.
- Dá pra ver na Tevê Esperta ou no seu EspertoFone.

E se vc acompanha as dicas do caminhão do @cadusilva, vc tem o seu #CinemaEmCasa direto da locadora do povo.

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in reply to Linkzim

Isso é bem fácil de resolver, @Linkzim . É só entrar aqui:

e contribuir com a tradução. Uma das maravilhas do software livre, poder corrigir aquilo que está errado. 🙂


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