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Continuando o #TerSoftware sobre player de Áudio e Vídeo...
Já fizeram sua própria BlamersFlix com o #Jellyfin ?

- Ele baixa capa, informações e legendas.
- Dá pra ver na Tevê Esperta ou no seu EspertoFone.

E se vc acompanha as dicas do caminhão do @cadusilva, vc tem o seu #CinemaEmCasa direto da locadora do povo.

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in reply to Linkzim

Deixando guias pro Jellyfin

Em ptbr…

in reply to Linkzim

usei aqui o ambiente de demonstração (usuário "demo", senha em branco):…

E achei legal este detalhe: ele calcula o horário que o filme vai acabar baseado na hora que começamos a assisti-lo.

Aracnus reshared this.

Too good not to share. From Private Eye, British satirical magazine (which also has some serious investigative journalism). In the shops now.

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Aracnus reshared this.

Unsolicited opinion: If #Mastodon wants to be a part of the #Fediverse that encourages small #selfhosted instances to be part of the whole, then it has to be a lean system able to be installed on second-hand/hand-me-down hardware and it should run reasonably well.

ElasticSearch/Java is a barrier to that. It is a huge memory hog compared to the rest of the system.

#footiMac #Debian

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Arlon reshared this.

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Termoelétrico orgânico transforma calor ambiente em eletricidade…

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Aracnus reshared this.

oddly, the kilosecond and the centiday are both quite close to fifteen minutes

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Sergio F. Lima reshared this.

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/home/leandroramos reshared this.

É aniversário da comunidade KDE, da qual faço parte e sou um orgulhoso contribuidor, na equipe de tradução!

Vida longa à comunidade e aos maravilhosos software produzidos por ela. E viva o Plasma Desktop!

Happy Birthday to us 🎂🎉! KDE is 28 years old today!

Join us and hold a KDE birthday party in your city. Fill in the wiki, meet up with your friends and celebrate 28 years of collaboration, free software and altruism!…

#birthday #anniversary #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

in reply to Aracnus

@kde parabéns e muito muito obrigada por todo o serviço prestado! KDE é chuchuzinho ❤️👌🏾!

Aracnus reshared this.

Único prefeito do MST diz que vai seguir morando em assentamento em SC…

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in reply to VeeRat

They must be afraid of poorly ventilated crowded spaces too if they are afraid of CO2 built-up inside the mask.

And the mask actually filters more fibers that are already in the air than that they produce.

Sad that people are falling for the misinformation.

in reply to Another concerned scientist Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle reshared this.

@ABScientist @VeeRat
Here's proof, for those amenable to that kind of thing. It's good to remind folks that the air is already full of more plastic than they could ever hope to inhale from a proper filtering facepiece:

"On the basis of these findings, a conclusion can be drawn that N95 respirators can mitigate fiber-like microplastic inhalation from the air even when they are used for a long time."…

Essa entrada foi editada (1 dia atrás)

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marketoonist 2024/10/14 -… #comics_marketoonist

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Uma #segundaficha com "queremos o próximo jogo" e eu só consigo pensar no #Half-Life 3 que nunca saiu.....

Quem sabe a galera do Black Mesa abraça essa ideia e faz o que a Steam não fez? 😀 Porque, convenhamos, o primeiro é primoroso...

in reply to Aracnus

af já até joguei o Alyx mas nada como um Half-Life 3 para preencher esse vazio!!

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Chico Mendes mencionado



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Aracnus reshared this.

British geneticist and plant anatomist Edith Rebecca Saunders was born #OTD in 1865.

She is best as known as the "Mother of British Plant Genetics": she played an active role in the re-discovery of Mendel's laws of heredity, the understanding of trait inheritance in plants. She also developed extensive work on flower anatomy, particularly focusing on the gynoecia, the female reproductive organs of flowers.…

#botanics #genetics #womeninSTEM

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Aracnus reshared this.

Following a year of rising settler attacks on the people of Beita and the death of Turkish-American activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, the West Bank village is keeping civil resistance alive in the face of the threat of Israeli colonial land grabs.…

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Aracnus reshared this.

Aracnus reshared this.

Elon Musk has been promising a transport revolution for a decade.

His Cybercab event repeated a ton of the lines he’s used to justify those failed projects over the years, with no concrete details for how he’ll realize the robotaxi one either. There’s no reason to believe he’ll deliver.…

#tech #elonmusk #tesla #cybercab #transportation #transport #selfdriving

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in reply to Paris Marx

Frustrating thing is they're not exactly failed projects -- they get him the attention and spending money he craves and the tunnel one DID stop the high speed rail he didn't want. 😿
in reply to Paris Marx

i rarely give apple credit for much but they're at least the opposite of events like this, they only hold them when they have an already finished product with a firm ship date, and they don't talk about anything that's far enough out that it might not happen.
horrifying that anyone still gets this much benefit of the doubt from media and the larger industry, those stock price drops should have been way larger. guy's reality distortion field has got to give out at some point.

Aracnus reshared this.

Os 103 anos do nascimento de Paulo Freire (19 de setembro) foram homenageados com um selo e carimbo comemorativos pelos Correios…

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:alerta: Atenção ursalenses e fediversers :alerta:

A partir de hoje, a Ursal é administrada coletivamente por @Bruiserzinha, @arles e @liaamancio, com a ajuda dos moderadores e do nosso SysAdmin @cadusilva.

As decisões da administração são coletivas e quase sempre levadas ao grupo da Ursal no Telegram para opinião da comunidade.

Nossos admins e mods estão de olho em spam, discursos de ódio, nazismo, fascismo, racismo, xenofobia, capacitismo, LGBTQIAfobia, gordofobia, assédio e outras tretas descritas nas regras da comunidade.

:alerta: Contamos com você para reportar conteúdo suspeito na instância. Sem seu report não temos ação! :alerta:

Nos empenhamos para tornar a Ursal um ambiente seguro no fediverso.

Qualquer coisa, acione a gente.

~Bruna Iser

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in reply to Ursalzona :ursa: :v_cadeira:

@Ursalzona :ursa: :v_cadeira: entrando na conversa aqui, não é suspeita. O lance é que um usuário dessa instância criou uma pesquisa sobre o Fediverso há algum tempo e a antiga administração achou suspeita, mesmo não tendo nada de cunho pessoal dos entrevistados. O problema escalou, por diversas questões de comunicação, e a instância terminou bloqueada. Até o meu nome entrou na história na época. 🙂

É uma instância pequena, que usa a mídia Streams. É totalmente segura e eu conheço o administrador dela. Se isso valer de alguma coisa, eu garanto a idoneidade dele.

@Cadeirada líquida @Lulu Pau Na Mesa :Ryyca: @Eschalot II :v_cadeira: @Lia Amancio 🦩 @Cosplayer de SysAdmin :Ryyca:

in reply to Aracnus

eu reforço o que o aracnus disse. É uma instância legal.

Aracnus reshared this.

Flower Power by Fábio Gomes Trindade in Goiás, Brasil. ❤ 37 Stunning Street Art Pieces That Perfectly Blend with Nature:…

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11/10/2024: Ring of Fire over Easter Island

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No widely-adopted software will please all of its users, all of the time.

Expecting it to is unrealistic.

Thank goodness for software which lets users adjust things to their own preferences - for example, by tweaking CSS - and especially for Free software.

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Aracnus reshared this.

Probando #Calcurse antes de ir a descansar.
Calcurse es útil para la gestión de tu agenda personal sobre la línea de comandos.
#Terminal #GNU #Linux

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Is Israel deliberately targeting Lebanon’s first responders?

Israel has killed more than 100 medical workers in Lebanon over the past year, many medics believe it is on purpose. #press…

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So freaking excited to launch the Open Source Pledge!!! Companies rely on the work of Open Source maintainers. Those maintainers should get paid, and we're celebrating the companies who do the right thing. Fediverse friends, tell your employer to #paythemaintainers!

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I’m looking for a software engineer to join my team at the Internet Archive. We work mostly Pacific hours but are fully and forever remote (we do have a lovely SF HQ if you're in the neighborhood). Our department uses Python, Django,, Postgres, and some in-house database technologies to build web archiving and other digital preservation services for over 1000 partner cultural heritage and memory institutions.…

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Devemos deixar evidências. Evidências de que estivemos aqui, de que existimos, de que sobrevivemos, amamos e sofremos. Evidências da totalidade que nunca sentimos e da imensa sensação de plenitude que demos um ao outro. Evidências de quem éramos, de quem pensávamos que éramos, de quem nunca deveríamos ter sido. Evidências um para o outro de que há outras maneiras de viver — além da sobrevivência; além do isolamento.

Mia Mingus

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Aracnus reshared this.

Video of Hurricane Milton captured from the ISS. Its size is surreal.

Credit: Steve Spaleta,

#Hurricane #Milton #ISS #Space #AstroPhotography

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The lastest release of Gajim brings integration with XMPP providers. The project offers a curated list of XMPP providers, which makes it easy for you to find a suitable provider. All properties of the included providers are automatically checked on a daily basis and updated if needed. When creating a new account with Gajim, you will now be offered suggestions taken from this curated list.

#Gajim #xmpp #chat

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#OTD in 1849.

American writer Edgar Allan Poe died under mysterious circumstances at Washington Medical College four days after being found on the streets of Baltimore, Maryland, in a delirious and incoherent state.…

Books by Edgar Allan Poe at PG:…

#books #literature

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Sergio F. Lima reshared this.

Depois da vacina com chip (que é mentira), vem aí a pasta de dente com transistores (que é verdade)...

Transístor comestível é feito a partir de pasta de dente…

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When asked if creators should be compensated for their work being used to train AI, Mark Zuckerberg said, “I think individual creators or publishers tend to overestimate the value of their specific content in the grand scheme of this.”

That's pretty rich coming from someone who never had an original thought in his life. Someone whose empire is based on stealing and buying ideas.

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A windy day

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⚪ Mehr... Lieblingsfotos?
🟤 More... Favorite photos?
📷 by Artist: #TonoStano in Loc.: #Prague Czech Republic 🇨🇿 1992- Title: "Sense" ("Sinn") - #Art #Streetart #PhotoArt #Fotografie #Photography #BnW #Masterclass #Artist ➡️ #APhotoLove

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Aracnus reshared this.

A really annoying thing that absolutely needs to stop:

- "More info in the discord!" / "Changelog in the Discord!"


Discord is a closed, proprietary platform. Post your stuff on the actual open web where more people will see it.

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Por uma comunicação federada nas instituições públicas no Brasil

Para incentivar a adoção das redes federadas pelas instituições públicas no Brasil, a Associação Alquimídia lançou uma campanha com conteúdos e orientações aos Governos e órgãos públicos chamada FediGov. O site é esse: E aqui tem mais informações sobre a iniciativa. Divulgue!


Ping @politica

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"psiquiatria de checklist" um viés classificatório e biologizante espalhado pelo mundo, pela Associação Americana de Psiquiatria, fortemente correlacionado com o lançamento de novas drogas/medicamentos pela industria farmacêutica.

Episódio #9 do podcast despatologiza: Epidemia de Transtornos ou Epidemia de Diagnósticos?


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Aracnus reshared this.

Um jeito gostoso de aprender mais sobre software livre. Leia você também.…

#softwarelivre #PauloFreire

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